Founder & Master Trainer : Doris Seau
Doris Seau
Founder of EduQ International wellness program for Women, Baby & Child : International Accredited Wellness Trainer & Health Practitioner

Doris is a TCM and Aromatherpay Health Practitioner and Trainer, Instructor for Women Health (including well women, prenatal and postnatal) and Children Wellbeing ( including baby and child to 18 year-old) has started learning the baby massage for her 3 months old twin sons in 2001 when her family moved to Bangkok, Thailand. After knowing the countless benefits of massaging children could bring to her sons and family, she begun her venture of learning and training of mothercare and child healthcare courses in hospitals, children centres, playgroups in Thailand, Australia, China, Singapore and Japan by facilitated parents-child workshops to many parents in Asia countries on how to convey parents love to their child through the nurture, thereupeutic massage and yoga. Now EduQ International Wellness Program for Parents Workshop and Instructors Course are available in Thailand, Japan & China.
*TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Doris Seau - " Parenting is so challenging but can be so enjoyable if you choose to bond and grow with your child at any stage. From babies till now, we choose to listen, hug and give them nurturing touch (massages) to convey our supports, love and bond with our twin sons. Parent-child bonding is a special intimacy that develops between parents and children and is tremendously important to a child’s development. For most children this relationship is their first and will affect all their future ones. A child will grow mentally and phisically healthier, happier and brighter if we as parents know how to keep bonding with them. A constant massage session also help to keep up their health naturally. Massaging our children could be one of the the best parenting way to grow up with our children. And we will be the happy & heathy parents when our children are happy & healthy !"
Mother-baby & Child Wellness Care Education
(2001 till now)
Education & experinces in Mothercare & Child Wellness Education & Services as Therapist/ Instructor / Trainer/ Specialist / Consultant
(since 2001....)
Massage Training Certification
Certified therapist of Thai Wat Poh Traditional Medical Massage School (Thai Massage, Child Massage, Postnatal Care Massaga)
International Association of Infant Massage, (IAIM) Australia and Thailand Contact Person
Mothercare prenatal massage, Australia
LiddleKidz Foudation USA : Pediatric and Autism Children Massage (Japan JABC )
China Beijing International Acupunture & Acupressure Training Institute
China Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre (Pediatric Massage Specialist, Lactation Massage Therapist and Instructor)
Specialist & Instructor of TCM Pediatric Tuina (Child Acupoint Massage) certified by China Ministry of Labour Department
Yoga Instructor Certification
Yoga Education Institute: Hatha Yoga and Kids Yoga (USA)
Beijing Fine Yoga Training Centre : prenatal Yoga (China)
Child Music Therapy Certification :Kindermusik Music Program Educator (USA)
Hon. Secretary of IAIM China,Ex IAIM Thailand Contact Person
Trainer of Training College for Mother-baby Nurses China
Trainer of Mother-baby certified by China Ministry of Labour Department)
Owner of La Nature Spa, Bangkok (2005-2007)
Instructor of Infant Massage Beijing United Family Hospital
Educator and specialist of prenatal & postnatal Shenzhen HOME Women & Children Hospital
Consultant & Educator of Beijing Royal Genier Genome, China
Training & Workshops 2001 till now
Chinese (Mandarin)
Mother-baby & Child Wellness Care Work Life Experiences
Thailand BAMBI Bangkok
La Nature Spa, Bangkok (Owner)
Japan Nagano Matsumoto Minami Community Centre
China Beijing United Family Hospital
China Beijing Families Children Centre
China Beijing Counting Sheep
China Qingdao Yuren Hospital
China Shenzhen Traning College for Mother-baby Nurses
China Shenzhen HOME Women & Children Hospital
China Shenzhen LUYA Children centre
China Shenzhen Promised Land Special Needs Children Center
Singapore Thomson Medical Hospital
Singapore AIA : health & wellness Elite program
Thailand Bangkok Bumrungrad Hospital
Japan Tokyo Kizuna Baby ( Red Cross Hospital)
Japan Mie Prefecture Youth Reserch Centre
Thailand Bangkok Voice Hobby Learning center
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