"At first I was not sure how to massage my 11 year-old son especially when he builds up a wall between us, communication break down at this age I thought. In EduQ class I learn how to approach and rebuild confidence, bond with my child thru nurturing touch and i am so happy both of us getting understand and trusting each other more after every session of massage. And sometimes he gives me a short back and neck massage in return. I totally believe massaging our child is one of the best parenting method" mother M said.
6 hours course ( 3 hour x 2 times)
Growing-up Child Massage : Relax and Bonding
Welcome parents with children from 6 year-old to teeanagers
As children grow older, massage can include separate work on hands and feet, more concentrating on the f neck, back,head, fingers and toes will bring even more relaxation, helping to sleep well and stay focus. One may also find that the child falls asleep while it is being massaged. This is a positive sign and points to the positive effects of the therapy. A lot of streching or passive yoga will help to correct the child body posture, promote growing hormon, build more confidence and trust to parents/caregivers.
Benefit of Massaging Your Child at this Age
Promote bonding, non verbal communication, relaxing , security, quality time and confidence & sense of trust for both child and parents / caregivers
•For child: A regular massage helps your child to rejuvenate body & mind by bringing good flow of energy to relax and boost up the coordination of major body systems such as Muscular , Nervous Respiratory, Digestive, Lymphatic, Endocrine (hormonal), Blood circulation and improve skin condition.
For Parents: Increases confidence in parenting , a relaxing and quality time with your child. Helps parents to understand their children more thru massage.
A great communication and interactive moment with children at massage time.
* Children will learn how to care a person he loves by using nurturing and positive touch. Parents could encourange children to take turn to massage each other,
Introduction to Growing up Child Massage (Foundamental of oil massage)
Use of Children Aromatherapy (essential oils helps to relief common ailment)
Introduction to Adult Acupoint and Meridian System
Foot Reflexiology
Hands-on practice for parents on basic techniques of Acupoints to help to boosting immune system, increase appetite and relieving child common ailments such as stomach discomfort, O shape legs, cold, asthma, eczema, nearsightedness, growing pain and more
Child & Mom Yoga / stretching
What you will learn in the workshop?
Growing-up child massage : Reliefing headache after homework time
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