Baby Bonding Touch : Get Ready Prenatal Class
Welcome Pregnant Women & Couple
A 2 hours workshop for Prenatal Women or Couples
Venue: Private class at your home or Shinjuku, Tokyo
Parents-to-be to learn: (using dolly to practice)
- How to give Calming Baby Technique to communicate and calm bonding touch of your tummy and baby from day 1 after birth
- A great method to relax and bond with your your baby during pregnancy and new born
- Bonding Touch Time: Baby with Mom & Baby with Dad
- West & East Concept & Techniques of Baby Massage with oil and Baby Acupoints
- Daily Massage for baby to promote bonding , wellbeing and reduce baby common ailments such as tummy discomfort (colic & constipation), night crying, teething problem, cold etc

Parents Feedbacks
"My husband and I attended EduQ Get Ready Prenatal Massage Class when we were at 37 weeks of pregnancy. We were lucky to learn 2 classes before our baby born. We used the Calming Baby Technique on her 1st night to bring her to sleep and we still using the same technique to put her to sleep even now she is at 5 months old. The technique is easy and amazingly effective to always help her to sleep longer. My husband loves the Bonding Touch Time with our baby. We attended the other 2 classes when our baby turn 2 months old. Learning Baby Massage at final trimester of pregnancy helps us to apply the nurturing touch on the 1st day. We were so ready when our baby arrived." Mother B said.
Parents Feedbacks
Benefits of Massaging your Baby
Interaction in Baby Massage May Include:
•Promotion of bonding and secure attachment*Verbal/non-verbal communication *Development of trust and confidence, great way of parenting
•Feelings of love, respect, and being valued
•Circulatory and digestive systems *Hormonal and immune systems
•Learning and concentration
•Muscular development and growth*Mind and body awareness
Parents May Find that Baby Massage with Baby Acupoint Helps To Relieve:
•Gas and colic * Constipation and elimination*Growing pains and muscular tension*Teething discomfort*Improved sleep patterns*Increased flexibility and muscle tone*Regulation of behavioral states*Being calm and being able to calm themselves*Reduction in stress hormones
" I attended EduQ Get Ready class when I was at 35 weeks of pregnancy. I was rather free at that time as he is my 1st baby and I was nothing much to worry except shopping for him and learning the baby care classes. In the 2 classes I learnt how to communicate with my baby with the Baby Calming Technique. It was so good and my baby was not much fussy time. He is always easy to get to sleep when I relax him with Baby Calming Technique. EduQ also teaches how to massage and have yoga with my baby at different growing stage at his 1st month, 3rd month , 6th month and so on. I found learning Baby Massage before baby arrive gave me more confidence to have the nurturing touch and keep a good sleeping habit for him." Mother C said
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